To raise spirits and bring our community closer together during this unusual time of social distancing, we're holding a community-wide spirit week using social media as our platform. 

Let’s remind each other, and the world, that even during a pandemic we are KELSO STRONG.


Show your KELSO spirit during the virtual community-wide spirit week of May 4. Post uplifting photos any or all days of the week using the themed guideline below and these hashtags: #WeAre  #InThisTogether  #KelsoStrong

Monday, May 4 – K
Tuesday, May 5 – E
Wednesday, May 6 – L
Thursday, May 7 – S
Friday, May 8 – O
Weekend – KELSO

Brought to you by Kelso School District and the Leadership and Associated Student Body (ASB) classes from Kelso High School, Coweeman Middle School, and Huntington Middle School.

Need some inspiration? Here are some examples to get you started.